Services Offered


Dry Needling

Dry needling is an invasive technique used by trained physical therapists to treat myofascial pain caused by trigger points. A dry needle is inserted without medication or injection into areas of the muscle that are causing pain. Trigger points can be tender to touch and can refer pain to other areas of the body. Physical therapists use dry needling to release and inactivate the trigger points, and thus relieve pain. Dr. Jenkins is certified through the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy for dry needling.



Cupping is a traditional method of treatment for various types of pain. Dry cupping is most common. The goal of cupping is to regulate and promote the movement of blood that is caused by stasis. Cupping may also accelerate microcirculation and relieve muscle spasms.



Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization is a skilled intervention that uses specific tools to manipulate the skin, fascia, tendons, and muscles that are causing pain or dysfunction.


joint manipulation

Receive joint manipulations from a trained physical therapist to improve mobility, alignment, and reduce pain. Followed by further manual therapy interventions, and a comprehensive exercise program that you won’t find at your typical chiropractic practice. Dr. Jenkins is trained through the American Academy of Manipulative Therapy for spinal manipulation.


Pelvic floor/Women’s Health Training

Pelvic floor physical therapy focuses on muscles of the pelvic floor and core. Pelvic floor dysfunctions may include pelvic pain, incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, diastasis recti, constipation, low back pain, and hip pain. The JPT women’s health program is for women who are pregnant or post-partum, and are looking to stay active and pain free. Dr. Jenkins is trained through Herman & Wallace for women’s health physical therapy.


Running Rehab

The JPT runners rehab program is for runners of all levels who are experiencing pain, want to prevent injuries, or looking for training to improve your strength, speed, and flexibility. Common running injuries include but are not limited to, plantar fasciitis, ITB syndrome, “shin splints”/ Tibial stress syndrome, patellofemoral pain, hamstring injuries, hip pain, Low back and sacroiliac joint pain, and chronic/acute strains.

Health and wellness evaluation

JPT offers a 90 minute comprehensive generalized health/wellness evaluation. It includes current weight and body fat assessments, nutritional counseling, V02 max testing, 1RM testing, as well as short term and long term exercise programming to be done at your own pace and gym. *


*Must be medically cleared before cardiovascular and strength testing
*Dr. Jenkins is not a registered dietician. All nutritional counseling is based on standards. Further recommendations may be made to a registered dietician if there are dietary restrictions or if patient prefers a diet plan.

Common Diagnoses



Headaches (cervicogenic and tension-type HA), whiplash cervical radiculopathy, degenerative disc disease, TMJ dysfunciton, and more.

low back

Generalized/nonspecific low back pain, Sacroiliac joint dysfunction piriformis syndrome, sciatica, post-operative lumbar surgery, degenerative disc disease, and more.

lower extremity

Osteoarthritis, muscular strains, achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, ACL/meniscus pre or post-operative rehab, ankle sprain, and more.


upper extremity

Rotator cuff tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), lateral/medial epicondylitis, labrum dysfunctions, and more.

Let’s get started!

See if Jenkins Physical Therapy is the right fit for you.